Hi everybody and Happy Canada Day weekend! I hope you are all happy about living in a country with such a great healthcare system like Canada. How can we reduce the burden on the health care system? Please keep reading on, as tobacco is the leading cause of preventable death. O Canada, with its plentiful lakes and rivers, and many green spaces. Now let's make Canada even better, shall we?.jpg)
We need to keep in mind that gas is getting more expensive. Why are we gassing up in the first place to drive all day out to a rustic river resort of sorts? To me, the number one reason is that we Canadians crave clean air. Let's start by declaring all picnic tables smoke-free areas, no ifs ands or butts, literally. Then, are you with me, team Canada, as I propose we beat New Zealand's goal of being the first smokefree country by 2017?
Echoes of Martin Luther King's "I have a dream..." resound in my ears as I type this. Friends, I hold forth for all of us a vision of a tobacco-free world. Yes, call me a dreamer, but I dare to say it can happen. All by the power of the pen...all by one day at a time...So let it be this day. This holiday weekend, whether you are out camping with loved ones or getting downtown to be among throngs of party animals, let's make this Canada Day historic! Let's all pledge to do our utmost to make it tobacco-free!
You know how your uncle offers to smoke outside? There is really no safe distance for tobacco contamination. Ask him to light up after he's walked at least more than a hundred feet away. And better yet, offer your friends and loved ones lots of cardio activities, like badminton, volleyball, and Frisbee so that they will reconnect with their lungs out in the fresh air. Be sure to provide lots of delicious veggies like red and green pepper on the B.B.Q. along with corn cobs and potatoes. While quitting smoking, in case of the munchies, go veggie! Lots of veggies will satisfy the urge to keep the hands busy fiddling around with something other than a cigarette as well as providing a satisfying stress-relieving crunch while helping the body detox.
You know how lots of people erroneously link cigarettes and coffee? It wouldn't surprise me that people link beer and cigarettes. So let's break the other unhealthy habit of too much alcohol consumption by keeping the cooler also stocked with cleansing fruits like berries. Better yet, go on a long tobacco-free hike and bring along a basket and get your own fresh raspberries and blueberries. Make pies! Sell them and donate the money to any local charity you feel would most help bring about a tobacco free world.
Let's make every single tent smoke-free! Smoking in tents sounds particularly dangerous to me. If you want to keep mosquitoes away, please check out the latest herbal citronella candles and body sprays at Market Organics in the Byward Market.
When I was a young child I loved going camping at Silver Lake and it tore me apart how many silly fights would be about who was smoking where. I really understand that tobacco is a very addictive substance and that people who smoke need all the support they can get. I'm here to support both smokers and their loved ones live a TRULY healthy life. And I'm going to hold you all in prayer and send you my love. Cheers! I raise a watermelon slice to a tobacco-free world.And let's be extra sure not to smoke around the B.B.Q. ? Let's keep our food healthy. So let's hope that the only thing smoking this summer is your B.B.Q., eh? Or the fireworks on Canada Day?
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