Make your life FRESH |
Hey folks! The lovely summer we are having is a great time to conduct a thorough so-called #spring cleaning from top to bottom of your dwelling. I highly recommend you check out Flylady for amazing real-life tales,tips and tools for getting motivated and staying on top of it.
To anyone ready to #quit smoking tobacco, I salute you! Congratulations! Awesome! Keep up the great work! As a recovering addict friend of mine tells me, "#Trust God and clean house." Well, we are going to take his mantra one step further
And a huge motivating factor in staying tobacco free will be getting your home professionally cleaned to thoroughly rid your home of all lingering third-hand smoke vapors that is known to continue seeping and off-gassing from your drapes, carpets, upholstery, mattresses, pillows...You get the idea. This tobacco smoke lingers in fans, silk floral arrangements, artificial trees, Xmas trees, I get dizzy from the thought of all those headache inducing fumes and bad memories.....
The best way to start cleaning your entire home from top to bottom is right now! Don't even wait to quit smoking. You can smoke outside from a safe distance, say at least 30 feet (9 meters) to protect your pets, kids and loved ones. Why make your houseplants work overtime? Why have to purchase an air purifier and filters and pay for electricity? Air purifiers are great, but they take up space and may break down after a while. Do you really think an air purifier mitigates all the damage by tobacco done to an endless list of people, pets, and household belongings?
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