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Sunday, 3 August 2014

Why Our Kids Need Tobacco Free Parks

Hello my friends! Wishing you an exciting summer day, full of exercise, fresh air, chitchatting with the neighbours and civic pride.
Grab some vinyl or latex or nitrile gloves, and a pair of heavy-duty construction gloves for broken glass and syringes. Also pack along with you various sizes and colours of garbage bags, especially clear bags for recyclables, grab several pairs of "devices to pick up trash" as even if you are alone, you often will bump into a curious bystander who wants to join you. And for maximum ease, outfit a grocery cart with a large garbage bag that will be sure to stay open on windy days and speed up depositing garbage in the right place. You may even want to invest in an industrial type of sturdy longhandled dustpan, a sturdy broom you reserve exclusively for the outdoors, and a little rake and a small shovel. I hope your local pet store sells biodegradable pet waste bags. Dollar stores here in Ottawa, Ontario stock them.

Here in Ottawa every year for about a month's time individuals , community groups and businesses team up for the Cleaning the Capital.

 Oh, good times! You don't need to join a gym just clean your local parks, community centres, places of worship, sports arenas and bus stops! Any place you can think of! Don't be shy! Don't hold back!
 Let's go to the park!
 Au parc! en français.
в парс! in Russian
Need I say it in every language?
It boggles my mind!
What, pray tell, is so hard about picking up after yourself?
Do people feel a need to mark their territory in such a crude manner by saying, "I was here?"
Litter can make me feel at times a profound despair in humanity.
I have been known to occasionally throw a banana peel in a secluded area into bushes to compost.
I have no understanding as to why so many people desecrate every inch of their environs.
Even churches and temples and mosques are not immune. Why is this?
Is it considered "low", "trashy" a symptom of having "no life" to go cleaning a park or any litter?
Why is this such a modern-day scourge?
It has far-reaching consequences, as it encourages more littering, then graffiti, then urban decay.
It devalues land, poses safety risks, environmental risks, affects animals and vegetation.

Cigarette butts. You knew where I was going with this one if you have read my blog long enough.
Perhaps you'll tell me there is no other way to dispose of a finished cigarette.
My answer is to quit smoking.
That is the single greatest way.
There is also bringing a portable ashtray with you, as well as conscientiously, mindfully disposing of one's debris.
This is no laughing matter. Cigarette butts damage the soil. They remain toxic after being smoked.
The only way is to spread this message.
We must all quit smoking.
Because until everyone quits, we as a whole are still allowing this money-wasting, useless, leading cause of preventable death to poison our soils, water and air, damage our animals and vegetation, rob us prematurely of our loved ones, prevent us from exercising, from making love, from hugging, from countless far more useful, fun, prosperity-inducing activities.
Folks, tobacco has to go!
Hey hey, ho ho, tobacco use has got to go!
Off to the park for a fun-filled day, shall we?

Thanks a billion. And have a great tobacco-free day!
Friends, if you would google this link you would discover just how much litter is from cigarettes.
As tiny as they are, they are so frequently disposed as to be the largest aspect of litter
Close to half of all litter comes from tobacco products. That's 38%. Are you shocked? I am.

Please check out this link
Tobacco products, particularly cigarette butts, are the single most littered objects, representing 38 percent of all objects.

Read more :
Tobacco products, particularly cigarette butts, are the single most littered objects, representing 38 percent of all objects.

Read more :

Tobacco products, particularly cigarette butts, are the single most littered objects, representing 38 percent of all objects.

Read more :

If you agree in any way, please spread my blog  to as many people as possible. Help it go viral for the good of the planet and our kids

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