Hello and welcome to Freedom Fridays here on NikkiDiamondTobaccoFreeWorld. Today's post is about freeing yourself from the mob mentality. Too often in life we go along with the crowd, with whatever anyone else is doing without really thinking. Sometimes being in a huge mass of people is great, like a wothwhile demonstration or rock concert or festive occasion. There is power in numbers as the Canadian geese fly in V formation. The aerodynamic pattern of the V helps the geese fly faster and they each take turns leading to not get tired out.
What I am talking about today is the anonymous, senseless, faceless acts of smokers that gets buried under the mob. Because a huge crowd of people turn out at a fair or concert and because hundreds or thousands of people are milling around in an anonymous fashion the individual acts get overshadowed by the rationalization of, "Well, everyone is leaving their cigarette butts on the ground. So it doesn't matter whether or not I litter along."
Another example is when out in public and there are clearly visible, prominently displayed no smoking signs, yet there is a huge crowd of people and invariably one or ten people amongst several hundred are smoking anyways. A sort of robot-like trance comes over the majority of the crowd. Like a Do Not Disturb the person who is disturbing us by smoking out of place, because, well, that's not our job, or it doesn't concern us, or we are not really bothered by smoke.
In some countries a small child gets run over by a car. No one stops to offer help or even notices. Friends, you know how you can free yourself from the mob mentality? Or the anonymous crowd mentality? Take action. Gently. Politely. But speak up calmly and briefly. There is power in numbers. But that power should never rationalize or render invisible any harm done to anyone. Have a safe Friday. Set yourself and others free from harm.

:) WELCOME to NikkiDiamondTobaccoFreeWorld.blogspot.com. *****I offer a big hug to all of you smokers and nonsmokers.***** Thank you for coming together and joining me on an exciting adventure to clean and beautify our world, live longer, stronger lives, save money and save others. *****You've taken the right step to better informing yourself if you are not a smoker and if you still smoke, there is most definitely great help and support for you here at Nikki DiamondTobaccoFreeWorld.
Keep coming back
Friday, 15 August 2014
Thursday, 14 August 2014
Can't Sleep? Go Bananas!
Good morning and may you savour delectable ripe yellow bananas for your breakie. You never have more than one a day? O.K. There are few foods I cherish more than the mighty banana. True story. I went to a job interview. Short and sweet. She asked what was my favourite fruit. Right away I said, "Banana!" She smiled and asked why. I said because bananas are cheerful because of their bright yellow colour, and they are easy to open, and a great source of energy. She hired me.
You know that famous question we asked each other as kids. If you could be an animal, what animal would you be? I'd be a snake. I'll blog why later. Stay tuned. I wanna ask you as I ask myself. If you could be a fruit, which fruit would you be? I'd proudly be a banana! Because no other fruit so resembles my power animal, the snake! I just love how a banana is shaped in a u. U! You! The other. The one we all need to relate to, to bounce ideas off, to form a marriage, a family, a team, an organization. The banana is such a powerful delicious symbol. We need the yellow warmth of the sun. We love yellow flowers. We are crazy about yellow smiley faces, yellow highlighters make us retain the studying better than any colour. Yellow is nowhere so amazingly apparent in nature than bananas except lemons. But lemon is an acquired taste. And way more maintenance. Knives, sweeteners, water, glasses, lemon juicers, cutting boards, then washing up. No, bananas rock. Hands down.
Dr. Oz extolled the mighty banana as a sleep aid without peer. Only use as needed.
1. Take the sticker off
2. Rinse the skin, cuz you'll be eating it, too. Yes. No complaining.
3. Submerge whole banana in 2-4 cups of water in a pot, or cut in half if you use a small pot.
4. Boil
5. Let it steep at least 5 minutes
6. Drink all the tea.
7. Eat all the banana, plus the skin.
8. Be prepared to be amazed you never did this before - it tastes so good.
Go bananas and have a sunshiny day thinking how much better you will sleep tonight
Wednesday, 13 August 2014
Meow-Meow! Woof-Woof! Please Smoke Outdoors
Hello my human friends, I am Mr. Luxurious Greezoo Diamond and I am your cat avatar. I insist you look at my luxurious silver fur and pet me every time you walk by. You are walking by me regularly, I hope? And can you pick up some of that high caliber catnip on your way to the mall? I like windows, strings, tiny moving objects emitting red points of light, melted vanilla ice cream and being petted while I eat my food. Please remember to vacuum my long hair daily as I loathe being brushed.
Actually, there is nothing I hate more, abhor more than those disgusting burning things some of you humans have dangling from your mouths. So unsightly, a real fire hazard next to my luxurious fur.
You Have Wicked Insomnia? There's A Reason Why...Here's Your Wake Up Call
You can't sleep at night. You are so wound up from the thought of how you will survive without lighting up. You are very irritable and you wonder how you will ever stop smoking and stay quit. You are biting your nails. You are pacing the livingroom or salon like we say in French. You are concerned, worried, frantic. You are desperate. You want an answer.
You are not alone. I am sitting here blogging into the wee hours, 1:24 Eastern Standard Time. I am on edge trying not to bite my nails asking myself, "Does anyone really care why I am on edge? Do people care about my mission? This blog is my mission. Does anyone care about my vision? My vision is a tobaccofree world. My vision drives my mission. Just how will I survive with my severe allergies if anyone lights up a cigarette within a hundred feet?" Each day I venture forth out into the world is heroic. Each day, each hour I lovingly confront someone's tobacco addiction and that is heroic. But why am I getting so little support?
Hey, Mr. Smoker and Ms. Smoker. You may think I am your enemy. But I have no enemies. I am on a spiritual path and seek no enemies. I serve everyone as best I can. And that service will improve each day, God willing, the more knowledge and insight that I receive. All of us desire health and longevity. All of us yearn for the fountain of youth, more time spent with our loved ones, more energy, more prosperity, clean, fresh air. (Heck, I do not ever partake of marijuana for religious and health reasons, but I can see all kinds of purposes for it, if safely and wisely used. No such luck for tobacco.) I see tobacco as one of the worst enemies of all humanity and therefore I say, "Good Riddance." Because it is good to get rid of it, indeed.
Could it be that you, dear person who smokes, and I, the inveterate nonsmoker, could it be that you and I were cosmically aligned to meet on this same path coming from very opposite ends of the spectrum? It is happening. You are cranky at being asked to quit by your doctor/parent/lover/spouse. You are reluctant, refusing, resisting. Along come I, reluctant to step into my still-smokefilled apartment hallway (even thought there are laws against it) I am resisting this antiquated hobby of yours. I am refusing to breathe it in one more second, no matter if it is smoked in my apartment building hallway, the street, my city or anywhere else in the world, whether it come from France or China.
Maybe you and I are destined to meet in this safe zone the blogosphere. Maybe there is a spiritual lesson and gift for both you and I, to see that we are one. To end all dualities. So let's stop fighting, shall we? How can you keep on poisoning yourself when I can't accept it? How could my professor of Theology smoke and teach me about God? I literally changed religions over this. I keep an open mind and embrace all religions but privately I've adopted a life-sustaining lifestyle so I can be sure to best maximize this gift of life of the Universal Truth.
To you I extend my hand. The future is bright. With lovely healing light. We are all alit. No, not those stinking things hanging from human lips. But our hearts are aglow. With a newfound love and peace and joy in how we may help our fellow brothers and sisters still trapped in the dark smoggy poisonous tobacco world.
Come join us. We were meant to meet, you and I. This is a new reality. A cosmic wake-up call.
It's time to get enlightened. For this may be the only nicotine replacement therapy that is priceless and REALLY works in the long run. It lasts. Tobacco won't. The writing is on the wall.
I am not fighting you. I am not criminalizing you. I am extending a helping hand, a listening ear and a caring heart. This now is my time spent with you. Well spent. Sincerely spent. Together we can rewrite civilization over again.
I am not fighting you. I am not criminalizing you. I am extending a helping hand, a listening ear and a caring heart. This now is my time spent with you. Well spent. Sincerely spent. Together we can rewrite civilization over again.
Peace. Let's end this war. Between your desire for health and the addict in you that screams for a cigarette. Bid that old part of you good-bye and watch it die. Read an amazing book that will turn your life upside down. It is called Listening To Depression by Lara Honos-Webb. http://books.google.ca/books/about/Listening_to_Depression.html?id=ENhrqmAdTvEC&redir_esc=y
Did you know that the pill prescribed for depression called Wellbutrin is also the identical pill prescribed to smokers called Zyban? Dear friends who smoke, you are in pain. From the smoking. Not the withdrawal. Trust me. Read Allen Carr. Quitting is liberation. It will set you free. Welcome home. Your body is your temple. Make it last.
Friday, 8 August 2014
How to Free Yourself From Cigarette Addicts
First of all, you need to identify a cigarette addict. That is fairly easy since smoking is so addictive. A cigarette addict is what I prefer to call smokers, since the vast majority of people who smoke do so addictively. I want to shine a light on this serious addiction that is so often relegated to "the nebulous smoking section." There is this myth that we can segregate cigarette addicts into sections of restaurants, hospitals, and so on. As long as it is temporarily out of sight, out of one's nose then smoking is not discussed anymore. Nobody wants to rock the boat. Nobody wants to tell Gramma or poor old Uncle Melvin that they are indeed addicts.
The vast majority of smokers are addicts. We were not taught in school that tobacco is an addiction, and the deadliest of all of them as it kills the greatest number of people, including nonsmokers. I remember in Grade 6 when I was 12 receiving the equivalent of one or two classes in Family Values Education about the dangers of smoking. The total time was hardly even two hours. This is a joke. Schools are designed to educate and they have much more to do in preventing youth from taking up tobacco. The dangers were vaguely mentioned, and never followed up on. In order to eliminate anyone taking up smoking we need far more education and intervention and law enforcement. You don't see kids chewing tobacco nowadays, or sniffing snuff? These silly habits became virtually extinct, and tobacco can disappear as well. Therefore I strongly urge all of us to lobby our local school boards and school trustees for far more detailed, ongoing weekly talks about the hazards of tobacco.
Do smokers themselves think they are addicts? If they do, they are doing very little about it. The smokers I know are very defensive and are in huge denial about how much smoking negatively affects those around them. Trying to explain my eyes are tearing, stinging, and my throat is dry and I'm constantly clearing it for days, weeks after a short visit to a house that hasn't been smoked in for hours seems to fall on deaf ears. So I decided to write this blog to reach out and appeal to a broader vaster network of like-minded individuals who themselves want to a lot more done than just a nonsmoking section on a plane or restaurant. Ugh! Just the thought of being in an airplane where even one person smokes once is nauseating. Yet are they rushing to 12 step meetings to get help to quit? Hardly. I never saw so many cigarette addicts as recovering alcoholics. Yet tobacco is what killed the co-founders of Alcoholics Anonymous. Is this addiction adequately addressed by doctors, dentists, nurses and all therapists? No.
As long as we keep saying it is a socially acceptable addiction we are sugarcoating the problem. The problem IS precisely that we have all erroneously agreed that it is a socially acceptable addiction. We are the individuals who make up this society. And it is up to us to stop perpetuating such a dangerous addiction. It is as if we are apologizing for it. But I believe we are enabling it to go on on a wide scale, with only drawing imaginary lines as to where a person can smoke. It has been shown that the air in China travels here by wind within one day. So it is pointless to talk about tobacco and other pollutants without going global. We must start in schools, and we must expect more of our places of worship, health clinics and law enforcement. People, we need to speak up and be heard, and we need to do it now, before it's too late and Gramma dies before Johnny's wedding or graduation. This is serious. It is an epidemic, it is a modern-day plague.
Tuesday, 5 August 2014
Quitting Smoking Is More Valuable Than Sapphires
True story I kid you not. I am a strong woman and there I was last Sunday axing down mum's thorn tree by request and took a break after swinging a heavy ax. Looked down. My brand new wedding ring had popped its stone. Who knew where. Anywhere in a giant tangle of brush and stones.
My mum called me two days later, "Honey, I have good news." I thought she was calling me to announce she had quit smoking. "Floyd found your stone!" Now as happy as I was to hear that, I would have rather heard she quit smoking.
Friends, quitting smoking is practically priceless and is THE BEST GIFT you can give anyone you love. Gemstones are replaceable. Your lungs or time spent with you is not.
My mum called me two days later, "Honey, I have good news." I thought she was calling me to announce she had quit smoking. "Floyd found your stone!" Now as happy as I was to hear that, I would have rather heard she quit smoking.
Friends, quitting smoking is practically priceless and is THE BEST GIFT you can give anyone you love. Gemstones are replaceable. Your lungs or time spent with you is not.
Sunday, 3 August 2014
Moist Cigarettes Anyone?
So I took a risk today, garnered all my calm and asked someone, "Just why do you keep your cigarettes in the fridge?"
So they stay moist.
Really. I'm being sarcastic here. Why do cigarettes need to be moist? They are going to be lit up by fire, no? They need to burn. Would it surprise you that gunpowder is added so that cigarettes burn faster? So I guess moistness slows things down. Maybe moistness keeps the cigarettes intact so that they don't fall apart like sawdust and leave a mess everywhere. But they already do in worse ways.
So, please tell me how it's working for you keeping cigarettes in the fridge, which makes their butter and other similar foods TASTE LIKE TOBACCO.
Not very appetizing to dine at their place. I am praying and hoping they quit.
So they stay moist.
Really. I'm being sarcastic here. Why do cigarettes need to be moist? They are going to be lit up by fire, no? They need to burn. Would it surprise you that gunpowder is added so that cigarettes burn faster? So I guess moistness slows things down. Maybe moistness keeps the cigarettes intact so that they don't fall apart like sawdust and leave a mess everywhere. But they already do in worse ways.
So, please tell me how it's working for you keeping cigarettes in the fridge, which makes their butter and other similar foods TASTE LIKE TOBACCO.
Not very appetizing to dine at their place. I am praying and hoping they quit.
Going Camping? Declare All Picnic Tables Tobacco Free! Protect The Trees AND Yourselves
Hi everybody and Happy Canada Day weekend! I hope you are all happy about living in a country with such a great healthcare system like Canada. How can we reduce the burden on the health care system? Please keep reading on, as tobacco is the leading cause of preventable death. O Canada, with its plentiful lakes and rivers, and many green spaces. Now let's make Canada even better, shall we?.jpg)
We need to keep in mind that gas is getting more expensive. Why are we gassing up in the first place to drive all day out to a rustic river resort of sorts? To me, the number one reason is that we Canadians crave clean air. Let's start by declaring all picnic tables smoke-free areas, no ifs ands or butts, literally. Then, are you with me, team Canada, as I propose we beat New Zealand's goal of being the first smokefree country by 2017?
Practice Deep Breathing Inhalations Instead Of Inhaling A Cigarette
Take a deep breath, ahhhhhhhhh
Now take another deep breath, ahhhhhhhhh
How many deep breaths do you consciously take each day? Each hour? Many of us meditate. What if the main reason of all these meditation disciplines was to get us to breathe more deeply on a regular basis?
Our motive to meditate can't be as simple as breathing? One of the things smokers might be trying to do is become conscious of their inhalations and exhalations. After all, they seem to relish taking in a puff. What if all that energy inhaling on cigarettes could be diverted to the art of deep breathing?
Going Over To Catch The Game At A Friend's? Make It A Smoke-Free Event!
Hello everybody, and a special hello to my followers here in Canada as well as Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Finland, Germany, India, Israel, Japan, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Phillipines, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, the United Kingdom and United States! I realize that my earlier post today had a very Canada-Day focus, so I wanted you folks to get in on the summer fun. Tobacco-free, of course. Welcome to my blog's take on the FIFA World Cup Football Season. I show a picture from the Ukrainian national football team, as my father is Ukrainian-born and himself a big football fan. I did play "soccer" myself as a young girl, and my doctor is an ardent female soccer player.
When you get together with your buddies to watch the game at a friend's place, make it a smoke-free event! Wouldn't you guys and gals also like to be fit and on top of your game?
Happy Canada Day, and may all 10 provinces and Nunavut become tobacco-free
Hello everybody in Canada, and all over the world. Happy Canada Day to you all. Special greetings to my fellow Canadians in other provinces. I was born in Ottawa, Ontario but moved after nine months to Quebec for the first five years of my life. I guess you could say I have Anglo-Quebecker roots. My mother grew up Franco-Ontarian, her mother a Montrealer and my great-grandmother is Fransaskois from Saskatchewan.
Phew! What a tongue twister.
To Get Rid Of Tobacco Let's Start By getting Rid Of The Letter "c"
Hi everybody. Did you all have a happy Canada Day? Oops, I almost said "youz" instead of you. No kidding. I grew up in Ottawa Valley, where some people literally say youz. I don't know why. Maybe they think it sounds like saying you for more than one person. Like the vous instead of tu in French, my mother's language. I say we don't need any extraneous letters.
Now being a writer, I think a lot about words. I have spent over a thousand dollars on dictionaries, thesauruses in various languages and grammar handbooks back in the day when books were all the rage. All this writing makes me wonder: Do we really need the letter c?
You, Yes, You Can Phone Your City Councillor And Make Tobacco History In All Public Places
I don't know what your summer plans are, but mine include embarking on a four month campaign blitz to help my favorite local City Councillor Mr. Mathieu Fleury get re-elected for Ward 12, Rideau-Vanier. Mathieu made history when he was the youngest City Councillor ever elected in Ottawa. He has know-how from his Master's in Kinesiology concentrating in Sports Management.
Be A Community Builder!
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Adorable lovely lookalikes..Get with us, become a cool love cat |
Hello y'all! I met two incredibly cute Rex cats today. I'm a huge cat lover. I was surprised to hear the owner tell me he must hire a babysitter if he goes away for the weekend. Hairless cats require human interaction, and out came his not-shy cat out into the hallway, following me and checking out my canvassing colleague.
I am a community builder. I am a highly social person. I value teamwork and sharing ideas. I believe "Birds of a feather flock together". We stand to gain so much by coming together. Just look at the photo of these intriguing creatures. They bring to mind Bert and Ernie on Sesame Street.
I knew I met the man for me when I shared with him my vision of eliminating tobacco whilst simultaneously bringing about toilets for everyone. 1 out of 3 people worldwide has no access to a toilet. Wha??????? Toilets and tobacco...not very sexy topics. But they turned him on. Yay! I knew he was my kind of man because he cares so deeply about community building and social justice.
Why Our Kids Need Tobacco Free Parks
Hello my friends! Wishing you an exciting summer day, full of exercise, fresh air, chitchatting with the neighbours and civic pride.
What is the definition of sport?
Here's your new definition of sport: exerting yourself physically to help others quit, helping you quit, and losing
weight and having a blast! Who said you had to gain weight upon quitting cigarettes? And you didn't think
that dictionaries could be exciting. Let's take up definition 2. "Go on,
be a sport!" What if all of life is a tussle between what we should do and what we feel
like doing instead? Do we as a society use sport as a symbol to convey the arduous nature
of life? Should I have been a good sport recently and endure an unpleasant situation?
Maybe enduring it would have brought me closer to my husband instead of speaking out
and asserting myself ...What if we went one step beyond allowing sports to serve as
venues of pent-up release through either releasing it ourselves directly through physical
exertion or psychologically through vicariously watching others live or telecast...
What if sport helps us overcome challenges because it's a chosen adversity? What if the
sense of spontaneity, risk, and thrill of success helps us have a sense of play as adults?
And let's "go one step further" as good mental athletes. What if sports can become an
arena of preventative psychological medicine, as mental toughness training to help
strengthen us?
Let me introduce my favorite sport, YOGA. Yoga might at first glance not seem like much
of a sport...who are you tussling with? How can you be possibly competing against anyone,
even yourself? There's an implied notion that nothing about yoga is strain, that you
proceed ever so gently never upsetting the delicate equilibrium of your being... But look
closer, yoga poses strengthen, stabilize, and prepare the body for balance, movement
and at times speeding up your reaction from coordinating from a sequence of poses one
to the other. Please check out the famous "World-Cup" equivalent of yoga teachers, Mr.
B.K.S. Iyengar who brought yoga to the west. Did you know that the United Nations gave
Mr. Iyengar honorary PhD status to for his life-saving legacy of teaching yoga to all.
Check out his beautiful book, The Art of Yoga
I leave you with this novel thought...All sport as meditation...Meditation in motion as
art...Sport as art... Sounds like a new way of thinking about physical fitness...
I'll drink to that!
weight and having a blast! Who said you had to gain weight upon quitting cigarettes? And you didn't think
that dictionaries could be exciting. Let's take up definition 2. "Go on,
be a sport!" What if all of life is a tussle between what we should do and what we feel
like doing instead? Do we as a society use sport as a symbol to convey the arduous nature
of life? Should I have been a good sport recently and endure an unpleasant situation?
Maybe enduring it would have brought me closer to my husband instead of speaking out
and asserting myself ...What if we went one step beyond allowing sports to serve as
venues of pent-up release through either releasing it ourselves directly through physical
exertion or psychologically through vicariously watching others live or telecast...
What if sport helps us overcome challenges because it's a chosen adversity? What if the
sense of spontaneity, risk, and thrill of success helps us have a sense of play as adults?
And let's "go one step further" as good mental athletes. What if sports can become an
arena of preventative psychological medicine, as mental toughness training to help
strengthen us?
Let me introduce my favorite sport, YOGA. Yoga might at first glance not seem like much
of a sport...who are you tussling with? How can you be possibly competing against anyone,
even yourself? There's an implied notion that nothing about yoga is strain, that you
proceed ever so gently never upsetting the delicate equilibrium of your being... But look
closer, yoga poses strengthen, stabilize, and prepare the body for balance, movement
and at times speeding up your reaction from coordinating from a sequence of poses one
to the other. Please check out the famous "World-Cup" equivalent of yoga teachers, Mr.
B.K.S. Iyengar who brought yoga to the west. Did you know that the United Nations gave
Mr. Iyengar honorary PhD status to for his life-saving legacy of teaching yoga to all.
Check out his beautiful book, The Art of Yoga
I leave you with this novel thought...All sport as meditation...Meditation in motion as
art...Sport as art... Sounds like a new way of thinking about physical fitness...
I'll drink to that!
I dream of traveling worldwide on a mission to build a tobacco-free world.
Think this is farfetched? The World Health Organization has been celebrating World Tobacco Free Day on May 31 for over a decade now.
Almost all doctors, health promoters and politicians are on the World Tobacco Free Team. Wanna be a winner? Wanna make world history? Register your email up top.
Most notably India's Mr. Narindra Modi talks about a tobacco-free India.
New Zealand's anti-smoking groups boast by 2017 that New Zealand may be the first tobacco-free nation.
Go team Canada go!Tobacco free! And inspire other nations to follow suite, that, YES, it can be done.
Let me affirm, pray, visualize, dream, think, write, blog, cheerlead, spearhead, sing, act, crack jokes,give speeches, encourage, support and educate with love a tobacco-free world.
Join me. Follow me and comment at nikkidiamond.ca
Think this is farfetched? The World Health Organization has been celebrating World Tobacco Free Day on May 31 for over a decade now.
Almost all doctors, health promoters and politicians are on the World Tobacco Free Team. Wanna be a winner? Wanna make world history? Register your email up top.
Most notably India's Mr. Narindra Modi talks about a tobacco-free India.
New Zealand's anti-smoking groups boast by 2017 that New Zealand may be the first tobacco-free nation.
Go team Canada go!Tobacco free! And inspire other nations to follow suite, that, YES, it can be done.
Let me affirm, pray, visualize, dream, think, write, blog, cheerlead, spearhead, sing, act, crack jokes,give speeches, encourage, support and educate with love a tobacco-free world.
Join me. Follow me and comment at nikkidiamond.ca
Give yourself the Maximum Success for "Starting" a Tobacco-Free Life!
That's right, people. By quitting tobacco, you are actually starting living more fully
Best of success in quitting with this link
Best of success in quitting with this link
Saturday, 2 August 2014
Nothing Is Permanent, Not Even Tattoos, You Can Quit Tobacco
Hullo? Who'd want this? uh, how expensive was this?
O.K., so what's the harm? As long as you and Kitty like it. I mean, some people have dyed their pet poodles pink. Yes. After paying exorbitant sums to practice topiary-like hairstyles out of their doggy locks.
I mean, nothing's permanent. None of our habits. You may know someone who swears they love to smoke, that they have rights, that they will always be a smoker. Everything changes.
Back to the cats and tats. Focus. Would you shave your animal? What about if it was a really hot day? What if you had a rescue cat like mine, with the ferociousness of a pitbull, won't ever let me brush him without a fight kind of cat. Ugh, a cat fight... Wouldn't you rather delegate that annoying job to someone else? I can't take my cat to most groomers. Most only do dogs. Cats are more dangerous. They are tenacious. Keep in mind, dogs have been domesticated for over 10,000 years, horses about 5,000 years and cats only 2,000 years. Still wild, eh?
Back to the cats and tats. Focus. Would you shave your animal? What about if it was a really hot day? What if you had a rescue cat like mine, with the ferociousness of a pitbull, won't ever let me brush him without a fight kind of cat. Ugh, a cat fight... Wouldn't you rather delegate that annoying job to someone else? I can't take my cat to most groomers. Most only do dogs. Cats are more dangerous. They are tenacious. Keep in mind, dogs have been domesticated for over 10,000 years, horses about 5,000 years and cats only 2,000 years. Still wild, eh?
Back to the cats and tats. Focus. Would you shave your animal? What about if it was a really hot day? What if you had a rescue cat like mine, with the ferociousness of a pitbull, won't ever let me brush him without a fight kind of cat. Ugh, a cat fight... Wouldn't you rather delegate that annoying job to someone else? I can't take my cat to most groomers. Most only do dogs. Cats are more dangerous. They are tenacious. Keep in mind, dogs have been domesticated for over 10,000 years, horses about 5,000 years and cats only 2,000 years. Still wild, eh?
I am an inveterate cat lover. You gotta read Jason Galaxy's book "Cat Daddy." He is the world-famous cat whisperer. And he loves his tats. If you know of another one, please tell me. I can use all the tips I can get. My Mr. Luxurious Greezoo Diamond is a bit ornery at times. He's a grey long-haired Maine Coon, what 90% of folks call a tabby. I'll tell you the story of how Greezooks and I met another day. Focus here, haha. (Sorry, I don't lol. Unless I'm lolling around on the ground. Haha, that rhymes. I prefer onomatopoeia, the actual sound of laughter rather than an unnecessary acronym. Rather, I hate acronyms. OK, I use them myself. Just did. Another haha.)
Freeing Yourself From Cigarettes
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How I so LOVE my new fresh, clean coffee breaks |
Oh Happy Day, Oh Happy Day
When People threw, when People threw
When People threw, when People threw,
When People threw, when People threw
Their cigarettes away!"
Thank you for allowing me to improvise on a beautiful classic hymn...It truly inspires.
YOUR freedom from tobacco is OUR freedom. We are all in this together.
Fast forward to the year 4014.
No one smokes. Period.
It's done. Finished. This song from the future plays on a futuristic radio type program...
Let's speed up things, shall we?
Clean Your Home Of Tobacco Smoke
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Make your life FRESH |
Hey folks! The lovely summer we are having is a great time to conduct a thorough so-called #spring cleaning from top to bottom of your dwelling. I highly recommend you check out Flylady for amazing real-life tales,tips and tools for getting motivated and staying on top of it.
To anyone ready to #quit smoking tobacco, I salute you! Congratulations! Awesome! Keep up the great work! As a recovering addict friend of mine tells me, "#Trust God and clean house." Well, we are going to take his mantra one step further
Tobacco Almost Destroyed My Family Visits
Tobacco wedged a deadly sword between me and my family. I hated visiting, seldom went due to tobacco nor could I stay long. Trying to spend the night was intolerable. I was coughing and gagging with a burning throat and dry eyes. I had to carry eye drops with me. I would use aerosols to mask the tobacco, burn incense, burn candles. The smokers would even offer to smoke outside, but the lingering second-hand smoke was next to impossible.
Ice Cream Wins Versus Tobacco For Superb Flavor, But You Are Not Surprised, Right?
Greeting fellow foodies. Wishing you all a safe hot glorious summer. I know you all would rather be having a mouthwatering scrumptious scoop of ice cream. Whether you're out at the cottage or camping or visiting friends or just plain enjoying your own company, I'm with you savoring a great classic cool treat. Only a block away from my Mum's is a classic québécois french fry shack and ice cream hut and I indulge frequently. Oh boy, they also sell the famous dish uniquely found in La Belle Province known as poutine which is french fries with cheese curds and hot gravy, all melted. Truly heavenly, but watch out, if you are vegetarian like me the sauce might not be:)
It's always a special treat to go for a leisurely stroll down the tree-lined shady picturesque bicycle path right beside my Mum's.
What Part Of, "NO, WE CAN'T BREATHE!" Do You Not Get?
Hello Friends of clean air. Just how annoying is smoke to us? This blog is in no way an attack at any time of smokers. I use very descriptive analogies in a plethora of settings and contexts to share with smokers what it is like to be a nonsmoker, how trapped we feel. I dream of my blog uniting smokers and nonsmokers in a friendly, useful, relevant, dialogue towards a mutual healthier future.
One horrible day a couple months ago as I was shopping for my weekly supply of almonds and nuts and having a friendly chat with the store keeper up front at his cash a young man threw open the door yelling, "It's on fire!" As soon as he opened the door, huge gusts of stinking black #smoke invaded the store. I panicked. Just weeks ago, my boyfriend started talking marriage. I closed my eyes and thought a short prayer, "Dear God, I want to live to see my own #wedding!"
One horrible day a couple months ago as I was shopping for my weekly supply of almonds and nuts and having a friendly chat with the store keeper up front at his cash a young man threw open the door yelling, "It's on fire!" As soon as he opened the door, huge gusts of stinking black #smoke invaded the store. I panicked. Just weeks ago, my boyfriend started talking marriage. I closed my eyes and thought a short prayer, "Dear God, I want to live to see my own #wedding!"
Say To Yourself With Power "I release all old habits that no longer serve me!"
Greetings everybody on this Magnificent Monday July 28, 2014. You know what Mondays are best for. Starting a new week. You say to yourself.. "This week starting Monday I'm quitting smoking. My mind is made up." Friends, here at NikkiDiamondTobaccoFreeWorld by nikkidiamond.ca I am here to give you that extra push.
Let me introduce you to best-selling author Louise L. Hay's thoughts on smoking. In her groundbreaking classic book, "YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE" author and minister Louise Hay declares that any habit we want to get rid of we simply "bless with love and release." I bet most of you didn't know she was also a minister? Now maybe you'll take me a lot more seriously when I tell you I almost became a woman of cloth myself? I was debating between Unitarian church and Unity. I've decided to reach out to people through my blog as I am a lot more frank and businesslike than most people can handle in a minister. I really do practice tough love. And I would have been one tough doctor. So let's save time and get as many people as possible reading The Truth and Health.
Apartment Renters Deserve Smoke-free Living Now Worldwide
"O my beautiful little home" is the English version of one of my favourite French country songs. Home is where the heart is. How much all of us long to have a decent home, one where we feel safe and secure. I sure know how I long to come home, hang up my hat and relax next to my man. I am a hat wearer and I have the cutest straw hat for gardening, boating and long walks. But nothing is better than a long walk full of fresh air except coming home.
One small problem.
Why Do I Demand A Tobacco Free World? Because We are ALL Involuntarily Smoking
Good morning friends. Are you safe from tobacco smoke in your home, whether it be an apartment or house? Are you free from guests and visitors who may smoke near you? Are your children and elderly relatives safe? Is your workplace safe? The social clubs and associations you frequent? Does anyone, anywhere within 110 feet smoke near any of these places you live, work, worship and play? And, sad to say, even if you can't smell it and it seems to be more than 30 or 40 feet away from you, you are still being adversely affected. I can certainly smell it 110 feet away. I have carried a measuring tape with me! I dare you to try this experiment today. I want to shake up your world.
Friends, all of us non-smokers and smokers are smoking. That's right. We are all involuntary smoking. And I mean it, I am some MAD. Furious. And I am fed up of living with this anger and I intend to do something about it. Yes, I hate war, hate nuclear pollution, hate acid rain, hate all pollutions of any kind. And, yeah I would like a nicer kinder planet, and, yes, I do hug trees, I do think we don't have enough trees and I do refrain from eating any animal products and all that. But unlike all these other challenges, involuntarily I am smoking tobacco every hour on the hour, and unless I move to some exotic Brazillian rain forest protected area and take up living in trees with completely different garments and possibly bodily decorations , I and you and most all of us are forced to smoke against our will. And smokers will tell you that most of them want to quit! They are many of whom are quietly agonizing and suffering and want a way out, but this scourge of tobacco is STILL not being taken seriously by our world leaders. And I am calling for more action NOW.
Some of my posts will address nonsmokers, and at other times I will speak to smokers. I will examine the history of smoking, the psychology of addiction. I will address this problem of tobacco from every angle. I will talk a bit about spiritual tools. I will cover all nicotine replacement therapy, and please now, drop everything you are doing and run out and buy some right now. Whether or not it is the best what have you to lose by trying? Help pay for someone struggling. Please dear friends, take tobacco and nicotine addiction as seriously as drug addiction. Because it is a drug. Let's please all stop saying it is more socially acceptable. You and I and each person is part of society. We have a part to play in making it LESS ACCEPTABLE. Are you with me? We need to start somewhere to drop the percentage of all smokers in every country by at least one percentage point by the end of this year. Are you with me? On your mark, get ready, GO!!!
I am now researching the next post about tobacco and clothes in many different aspects. Stay tuned.
Friends, all of us non-smokers and smokers are smoking. That's right. We are all involuntary smoking. And I mean it, I am some MAD. Furious. And I am fed up of living with this anger and I intend to do something about it. Yes, I hate war, hate nuclear pollution, hate acid rain, hate all pollutions of any kind. And, yeah I would like a nicer kinder planet, and, yes, I do hug trees, I do think we don't have enough trees and I do refrain from eating any animal products and all that. But unlike all these other challenges, involuntarily I am smoking tobacco every hour on the hour, and unless I move to some exotic Brazillian rain forest protected area and take up living in trees with completely different garments and possibly bodily decorations , I and you and most all of us are forced to smoke against our will. And smokers will tell you that most of them want to quit! They are many of whom are quietly agonizing and suffering and want a way out, but this scourge of tobacco is STILL not being taken seriously by our world leaders. And I am calling for more action NOW.
Some of my posts will address nonsmokers, and at other times I will speak to smokers. I will examine the history of smoking, the psychology of addiction. I will address this problem of tobacco from every angle. I will talk a bit about spiritual tools. I will cover all nicotine replacement therapy, and please now, drop everything you are doing and run out and buy some right now. Whether or not it is the best what have you to lose by trying? Help pay for someone struggling. Please dear friends, take tobacco and nicotine addiction as seriously as drug addiction. Because it is a drug. Let's please all stop saying it is more socially acceptable. You and I and each person is part of society. We have a part to play in making it LESS ACCEPTABLE. Are you with me? We need to start somewhere to drop the percentage of all smokers in every country by at least one percentage point by the end of this year. Are you with me? On your mark, get ready, GO!!!
I am now researching the next post about tobacco and clothes in many different aspects. Stay tuned.
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